Illustration by Kate Rutter. Scroll down for details on all of the numbers (and the species!).

Wild Wonder Foundation 2024 Annual Report

Dear Friends,

Wow! As I look back over this past year, I feel such joy and gratitude. Building on the beautiful momentum of our fledgling year in 2023, Wild Wonder saw huge growth in community engagement, support, and programs in 2024. I am so proud of the Wild Wonder team and the global nature journaling community for the ongoing initiative, dedication, creativity, and collaboration that helped create and sustain this growth spurt!

In 2024, Wild Wonder launched several major new projects: 

It makes me so happy to see the global nature journaling community continue to grow as more and more people discover this life-changing practice and share it with others. 

Wild Wonder gives away a lot of resources for free because we believe in this transformational work, and we want as many people as possible to have access to it. Thank you for investing in this work with your time, attention, and support. If you’d like to make a donation to help continue this momentum, please do so here.

With gratitude,

John Muir Laws,
President and Co-Founder

PS Many thanks to Kate Rutter for bringing these numbers to life in this illustration! Learn more about the location and the included species at the bottom of this page

Wild Wonder 2024 By the Numbers



  • 14,825 zines distributed and/or downloaded, including Your Quick Start Guide to Nature Journaling (now available in 8 languages!) PLUS 3 new zines released in 2024: Your Quick Start Guide to Birding (co-created with Rosemary Mosco), Oh Look a Moth (by Akshay Mahajan), and 7 Ways to Connect with Nature (by Kate Rutter). (Data based on Squarespace downloads and orders as well as free copies printed and distributed for all zines.)

  • 606 people from around the world enrolled in our 2024 Nature Journaling Educator Program. In 2024, 184 people completed the training, 31 earning certificates and 24 CEUs earned. These educators volunteered 4244 hours in a wide variety of stewardship projects as part of this program. (Data from program registration as well as surveys of educators.)

  • 45 children at Amani Children’s Home, a home for orphaned children in Tanzania, received in August 2024 a resupply of nature journaling materials including journals, bags, watercolor pencils, waterbrushes, pencils, sharpener, goniometer, and wrist cuff. The children learned from a day of in-person nature journaling workshops with John Muir Laws and 15 volunteers. The following day, the group shared a day-long guided nature journaling field trip to Ngorongoro Crater. In addition, the children learned from 5+ hours of live online classes with John Muir Laws. Thanks to donations from the community, Wild Wonder supported all of these programs.


  • 22 Wild Wonder Foundation events in 2024, 15 of which were free. Our 2024 events included the sixth annual Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference (held online over 5 days with 30 classes and talks), three one-day online Wild Wonder Nature Journal Educator Workshops, four Learn to Draw online classes with John Muir Laws, two 5-day Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Retreat (one in the Sierra Nevada and one in Point Reyes), seven San Francisco Bay Area regional nature journal field trips, and more. 

  • 11,365 people participated in 2024 Wild Wonder events. (108% growth) (Data from Squarespace, Eventbrite, and records from in-person events.) 

  • 59 paid roles for presenters with $38,025 paid to presenters. (Data based on teachers/speakers/presenters hired for all in-person and online events.) NOTE: Wild Wonder offered an additional $3,200 in payments to presenters, and those presenters chose to decline their payments in support of Wild Wonder.

  • 374 event scholarships and comps, including 346 scholarships and 28 comp tickets given to 2024 Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference, 2024 Wild Wonder Educator Workshop, and the Sierra Nevada Nature Journaling Retreat totaling $46,800 (Data based on retail ticket prices. Scholarships are by application.) 

  • 2,486 members in the new Wonderland online community, which had a soft launch debut in April 2024. Members posted 131 events on the Wonderland calendar and created 30 groups on the platform. 

  • $14,990 in grants given to 21 Micro Grant Fellows in 12 countries. The Wild Wonder Micro Grant Program, launched in 2024, celebrates the creativity in the global nature journaling community, generates new outreach ideas, and offers support to individuals leading projects that bring nature journaling to new audiences, especially those that are currently underserved.


  • 562 volunteer hours (Data based on number of volunteers and tasks performed.) 

  • 120 dedicated volunteers who supported 2024 Wild Wonder programs including: the Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference, the Wild Wonder Nature Journal Educator Workshops, the Learn to Draw Series with John Muir Laws, the San Francisco Bay Area regional nature journal field trips, the two nature journaling retreats, the Amani Tanzania outreach, and other projects. (Data from event leaders and event records.) 

  • 4,438 donations received (80% growth)

  • $187,745 (109% growth). This figure includes donations made for free programs such as the Learn to Draw classes, donations made during zine downloads, donations made as part of ticket purchases for Wild Wonder Nature Journaling Conference and the Educator Workshop, donations made during the Wild Wonder Online Auction, and donations from individuals and organizations made online, in person, and through charitable funds and matching funds. We are especially grateful to the Chauncey and Marion D. McCormick Family Foundation, The Foster Museum, Heyday Books, and Amy Tan for their generous support.

NOTE: All numbers are as of 12/31/24 unless otherwise noted. Where noted, percentage growth is based on comparing the 2023 number to the 2024 number. Also, many of these programs fit in more than one category. For instance, the educators in our program are also part of the community, and the ambassadors and grant recipients also do a lot of outreach.


Location based on Eastern Egg Rock in Maine, USA

In the air:

Atlantic Puffin, Common puffin, Fratercula arctica

Arctic tern, Sterna paradisaea

Sea life:

Crumb of bread sponge, Hymeniacidon perlevis

Sea lettuce,  Ulva lactuca

Blue mussels, Mytilus edulis

Purple Irish Sea Moss, Chondrus crispus

Forbes sea star, Asterias forbesi

Sprat, Sprat

Atlantic horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus

Dahlia anemone, Urticina felina

Sugar kelp, Common kelp, Laminaria saccharina