
The 2025 Micro Grants—Round 1 Application is now closed. Round 1 Grant awards will be announced March 3.

Wild Wonder Micro Grant Program

The Wild Wonder Foundation is dedicated to encouraging nature connection and conservation through attention, curiosity, art, science, and community.

Through the Wild Wonder Micro Grant Program, we celebrate the creativity in the global nature journaling community, generate new outreach ideas, and offer support to individuals leading projects that bring nature journaling to new audiences, especially those that are currently underserved. We can’t wait to see your ideas!

We are so grateful to the global nature journaling community for helping bring this program to life! All of the funds for the Wild Wonder Micro Grant Program came from the global nature journaling community, including many generous donations raised through a series of Learn to Draw classes taught by John Muir Laws, who also donated his time. (These classes are available in our store for free). Your ongoing support is welcome—Donate here. 

Detailed Program Information

  • The Micro Grant Program aims to support a variety of projects anywhere in the world. Especially encouraged are projects that train educators how to teach nature journaling, thereby amplifying the work supported by the grant. Eligible projects can include but are not limited to:

    • Nature journaling events, trainings, classes, publications, websites, etc.

    • Launching a new nature journaling club or supporting an existing club.

    • Other projects or materials that help people engage with nature and nature journaling, increase the number of new nature journalers, and/or expand the capacity for people to teach others.

    Funds can be used to:

    • Purchase/create materials

    • Purchase equipment

    • Support development/teaching time

    • Other items that directly support implementation of the project


    Grant awards will range from $250-$1,000 USD. Approximately 20 grants per year (approximately 10 per grant cycle) will be awarded.


    All of the funds for this program came from donations made by the nature journaling community. Your support is welcome for this program. You can make a tax-deductible donation here.


    Grant recipients will receive half of the grant award up front. Once recipients submit the required grant summary report (which will include photos/videos, detailed expenses, and receipts), they will receive the second half of the grant payment. More details about these requirements will be shared with recipients. Any additional amount spent over the grant award will not be covered by the Wild Wonder Foundation.

  • 2025 Wild Wonder Micro Grants will be awarded twice per year–March 3 and November 3–and each grant project must be completed in the 5 months following the award. Please only apply for projects that can be completed within the specified timeline.


    January 1: Micro Grant—Round 1 application opens.

    January 29, 5pm Pacific: Deadline for submission of application.

    March 3: Grant awards announced, first grant payment made, award period begins.

    August 4: Grant reports due, second grant payments made.


    September 1: Micro Grant—Round 2 application opens.

    September 29, 5pm Pacific: Deadline for submission of application.

    November 3: Grant awards announced, first grant payment made, award period begins.

    April 6, 2026: Grant reports due, second grant payment made.

  • The Wild Wonder team, including board members and community members, will review applications for eligibility, completeness, and merit according to the following criteria:


    • Project is clearly outlined, including creative ideas, well defined audience, and detailed and realistic deliverables.

    • Project goals and impact are clearly noted and strongly support the practice of nature journaling.

    • Access and relationship of applicant to subject and participants is evident.


    • Budget documentation: budget, timeline, deliverables, and evaluation are clearly described and feasible.

    • Potential to reach and engage broad audiences is clearly indicated.

    • Experience of the applicant is aligned to the project proposed.


    Wild Wonder will email all applicants with a decision within 5 weeks after the application period closes. Awards will be announced on the website and on social media. All grant award decisions are final.

  • Grant recipients are responsible for promoting their grant program to the audience(s) they want to reach. Wild Wonder Foundation may also share news and information about grant recipients and projects with the nature journaling community through our website, social media posts, newsletters, annual reports, and other means.

  • Please carefully review all of the grant information on this page. We suggest you prepare the information below in using the Application Worksheet so you can draft and polish it there before submitting your application via our online form (button at the bottom of this page).

    • Contact information: name, email, phone, etc.

    • Geographic region of the project: city, state, province, district, or region (for example, Fresno, a medium-sized city in central California)

    • Your background and experience that is relevant to the project: Explain why you are qualified to lead this project and why you are applying for a grant to support this work.

    • Project summary: Please summarize your project in 1-2 sentences. This should be a very brief overview.

    • Project narrative: Describe the project in approximately 500 words. Include what you will do (action items), who your work will reach (audience), and how you will publicize the project. If your project will include collaboration with any groups, organizations, and/or schools, include that here.

    • Timeline: Please include a detailed timeline that supports your narrative and demonstrates how your project will be completed within the required timeframe.

    • Metrics: How many people do you anticipate your project reaching throughout this project timeframe? Please also include how you will measure the impact, reach, and outcome.

    • References: Please share the name and contact information for two references who are familiar with your work and prepared to discuss why they support your grant application.

    • Budget: Please provide a detailed budget, including all projected costs, as well as the total requested for this grant.

    • Financial or In-Kind Contributions: Please list any donated funds, time, materials, or space for your project. NOTE: Successful applications always include some time or material commitment from you.

    • Amount of Grant Requested.

    Please note:

    You will not be able to edit your application after you submit it, so please be sure you have all of the information ready before you apply. Incomplete applications will be disqualified.

    Please only submit one application per person per open application period. If your application was not approved in a previous grant round, please do not resubmit the same application again.

    When you are ready to apply, click the Application button at the bottom of this page.

  • The Wild Wonder Micro Grant Program is funded entirely by generous donations from the global nature journaling community. Your support is welcome for this program. Click here to make a tax-deductible donation.

Ready to Apply?

The next Wild Wonder Micro Grant Application will open September 1. Check back to access the application submission form. Use the Application Worksheet to prepare your application. Remember, the submission deadline is September 29, at 5pm Pacific. If you have questions, please refer to the FAQs below. We can't wait to hear from you!

Program FAQs

  • First, please carefully review the information about the grant process on this page. Then plan, write, and gather all of the items in the HOW TO APPLY section above. Then visit this link and fill out the application: Wild Wonder Foundation 2025 Micro Grants—Round 1 Application.

  • There will be two grant rounds in 2025. See Award Timeline above for dates and details.

  • Wild Wonder will award approximately 20 Micro Grants per year (10 per cycle, Round 1 and Round 2).

  • Grant awards will range from $250-$1,000.

  • Wild Wonder will email all applicants with a decision within approximately 5 weeks after the application period closes. Awards will be announced on the website and on social media. See the timeline above.

  • Each grant project must be completed in the 5 months following the award. Please only apply for projects that can be completed within the specified timeline.

  • Grant recipients will receive half of the grant amount up front. In order to receive the balance of the grant award, recipients must submit a 2-page report with photos/videos as well as a detailed expense report and receipts. More details about these requirements will be shared with recipients. Grant recipients who do not complete and submit the required report by the deadline will not receive the second half of their award.

  • In order to receive the balance of the grant award, recipients must submit a 2-page report with photos/videos as well as a detailed expense report and receipts. More details about these requirements will be shared with recipients.

  • A team of Wild Wonder board members as well as some community members will review the applications. All grant decisions are final.

  • Please only submit one application per person per open application period. If your application was not approved in a previous grant round, please do not resubmit the same application again.

  • Yes, we encourage collaboration! If your grant project includes a partnership with a person or organization, please submit only one application for your project. Please do not submit two applications for the same project.

  • You are responsible for promoting your grant program to the audience(s) you want to reach. Wild Wonder Foundation may also share news and information about grant recipients and projects with the nature journaling community through our website, social media posts, newsletters, annual reports, and other means.

  • We are so grateful to the global nature journaling community for helping bring this program to life! All of the funds for the Wild Wonder Micro Grant Program came from the global nature journaling community, including many generous donations raised through a series of Learn to Draw classes taught by John Muir Laws, who also donated his time. (These classes are available in our store for free). Your ongoing support is welcome—Donate here. 

  • Any grant funds you receive may be taxable. Please consult with your tax professional.

  • Yes, we intend to offer two rounds of micro grants each year, and the number and amount of awards will depend on how much is raised for the program. The program will continue to be refined over time.

  • Please email and we will respond within 3 business days.